We have the best employees – EVER!

We want to give a public shout-out to all our amazing employees. Andrea and I are so fortunate to have been able to hire and retain the incredible people that make up our workforce.

We recognize that most customers are not familiar with what each business does for their employees, but after working in this industry for more than 40 years and being keenly aware as to how horrible wages are for some workers, we want to share with you what our philosophy is and give some insight as to some of the reasons we believe we are able to attract such talented and committed people.

On July 1, 2023, we once again raised wages for our employees. Our minimum wage is now $20.00 per hour. Andrea and I have increased wages every year, 13 years in a row.

When Andrea and I bought the business, our housekeeping staff earned $8.67 per hour. Over thirteen years, we have more than doubled their hourly wage. This amounts to annual increases of 6.65% every year. We have a plan to increase our minimum wage to $25.00 per hour by January 1, 2027 but hope to accomplish this sooner.

We will not stop there. Ultimately, our goal is to pay employees a minimum wage of $27.50 per hour. This is what minimum wage would be today had 1970’s minimum wage been increased with the rate of inflation and the increase in productivity. We firmly believe that “exploitative practices” are not good for society and that we have a role to play in reversing the ever-widening gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99%.

We recognize that we still must be competitive in our market and that market includes us. We hope you support this movement as well and choose to stay with us so we can achieve our goal faster.

On top of our wages, our employees earn bonuses every year, depending on profitability. Just last week (November 13, 2023) we handed out $20,000 in bonuses and funded a fund that helps our employees survive the off-season months of March and April. We operate under the philosophy that when we do well, our employees do well. As owners we firmly believe that excessive profits should be shared with employees and have implemented several initiatives to ensure that happens.

We also offer three weeks of Paid Time Off to every employee, regardless of whether that employee works 7, 24 or 40 hours per week. Every employee earns 3.75 minutes of PTO for every hour worked.

We offer a generous 401(k) savings plan, which we match up to 6% of all employees’ annual wages and bonuses. We want our employees to be able to enjoy a decent retirement and know that most low-wage workers cannot adequately save for retirement. We are thrilled that 100% of our eligible employees participate in our plan.

We also offer low 6% loans to our employees if they need funds for a car, child in college, to alleviate credit card debt, etc. We have done this since year one and our employees know that we would never let them suffer when a financial mishap occurs. We have also completely removed the need for payday lenders who charge exorbitant interest rates. Best part? EVERY employee has paid us back in full for every loan and I know personally that it has saved some of our employees during difficult times.

In addition to all of this we offer a whole host of smaller goodies such as regular meals, fun events/parties, annual Christmas bonuses, Gift Cards for Christmas, and such.

We are sharing this with you not to pat ourselves on the back, but for you to know that we take the welfare of our employees very seriously. If this is important to you as well, we ask you to book with us so we can continue to improve the lives of all our employees.